Tag Archives: wall murals nz

Wall Murals NZ

This is a wall from late last year, which I seem to have neglected sharing until now.. Commissioned by Auckland Council, next to the Henderson RSA.

Auckland mural 2 Auckland mural 1

Shouts out to Elliot Francis Stewart for doing the little fishes and eels!

Auckland mural

Late summer wall murals NZ

Autumn is here, and I’m still painting wall murals NZ-wide, rain or shine, inside and out!

This is a mural for the University of Canterbury:

wall mural chch chch mural artist

A Lower Hutt themed mural for a corporate office in Lower Hutt:

wellington mural

A banner for a night market stall:

banner nz

An inner city piece on Queen’s Wharf, Auckland:

graffiti art nz

This one is a collaboration with Byron Bay artist Nitsua:street art nz

Some graffiti art I painted with friends in Hong Kong:

HK graffiti art

A changing room wall for my pals the Warriors… get ’em boys!!

warriors since 1995

This one is in a pizza restaurant, painted with my colleague Paul Walsh:

wall art auckland

A couple of historic Auckland themed murals for Gables bar and restaurant:

wall art nz


Auckland wall mural

Gyms always need murals!  here’s some of the latest…

gym mural auckland crossfit mural nzwall mural auckland

And something for the kids…

kids bedroom mural

kids wall art


April wall murals NZ

Here’s some of my latest work… An office interior feature wall mural for Fidelity Insurance:

Fidellity office muralA shed I transformed on a farm in the delightful surrounds of Stillwater:

NZ farm mural 3NZ farm mural 1NZ farm mural 2…and some more creche fences for ABC, these in Manurewa:

ABC creche mural 1ABC creche mural 2ABC creche mural 3